Lake Sherwood Lodge
Conservation on Lake Sherwood is led by the LSPOA Conservation Committee with assistance from Lake Sherwood property owners and various organizations. The Conservation Committee is established in the LSPOA by-laws "to conserve, preserve, guard, enhance and protect the fish, wildlife and natural resource of Lake Sherwood." Several projects are on-going, including promoting Firewise Community standards, clean-up of dead trees and brush on Sherwood Forest and the 10th Avenue Evacuation Route County property, sponsoring the January Fisheree, and fish stocking. The Committee recently placed four fish cribs in Lake Sherwood to enhance fish production and survival. In the near future, we plan to move ahead to create a Master Plan for appropriate use and development of Sherwood Forest. Please contact the Conservation Committee chairperson, Dave Trudeau, to become involved in its efforts. Assistance from property owners is needed and appreciated.
Outdoor Burning
Burning Permits ~
Current Burning Restrictions & Fire Danger ~
Wisconsin Fire History ~
Firewise Program
Firewise is a project sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association which distributes educational materials and brings neighbors together in a community effort to reduce wildfire risk.
Lake Sherwood Firewise Program Participation - .pdf
Local Fire Plans:
Lake Sherwood Firewise Community Assessment (2015) - .pdf
LSPOA Firewise Program Plan (2016) - pdf
Town of Rome Community Wildfire
Protection Plan (2013 Rev.) -.pdf
Fire Adapted Communities:
Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Graphic:
Click here for image - .pdf
Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) Self Assessment:
Click here for assessment - .pdf
Sherwood Forest
Sherwood Forest is a 13.8 parcel of green-space located on the Lake Sherwood peninsula between North and South Archers Way, with foot access from Archers Lane. It was turned over to LSPOA by developer N.E. Isaacson & Associates in 1969. However, the deed was not properly transferred and recorded and the property is now owned by the Town of Rome.
Sherwood Forest Clean-Up - .pdf
The Annual Lake Sherwood Fisheree is held on Saturday of the January winter free-fishing weekend. The profits from this fun ice fishing event are totally dedicated to fish stocking for Lake Sherwood. With no fishing license required, we invite all resident and non-resident Lake Sherwood property owners, along with family and friends to cure your cabin fever and participate in this community event and fund-raiser.
Shoreland Protection
Adams County has adopted a Shoreland and Habitat Protection Ordinance and established July 1, 2015 as the deadline for compliance. The requirements are covered in Section 4 of the Ordinance, beginning on Page 16 of that document.
Shoreland Protection Ordinance - .pdf
Habitat Projects
LSPOA is participating in the DNR Fish Sticks Program. Click below to find out more.
LSPOA Fish Sticks Program Participation